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Quality & Sustainability Management



    Our environmental policy

    We understand quality to mean...



    that we are committed to the careful use of limited resources and the preservation of an intact environment



    that we acknowledge our responsibility as a social employer

    Competent action

    Competent action

    that we act humanly and professionally competently at all times



    that we are open to innovations

    Criticism and suggestions

    Criticism and suggestions

    that we take criticism and suggestions seriously and can use them as an opportunity

    Review of the offers

    Review of the offers

    That we continuously review our various offerings


    Price/performance ratio

    that we can offer our guests a good price/performance ratio


    Feel good

    that our guests feel comfortable with us

    Our ecology policy

    We actively address environmental issues in our business operations. We create the conditions for compliance with the law. The management and all executives act as role models and live our environmental policy.

    We motivate our employees to behave responsibly toward the environment.

    We expect our employees to actively participate in improving the ecological performance of our company.

    We lead an internal Green Team, which works on projects of ecology and thus continuously improves the company in environmental issues.

    We inform our guests at various places in the Swiss Holiday Park about the contribution to the improvement of our ecological balance.
    We actively involve our guests in the topic of ecology and use various measures to point out how they can use resources sparingly during their stay.

    We communicate our environmental policy to the public as well as our contribution to improving our eco-balance.

    We periodically review our products, processes and services with regard to environmental relevance and improve ourselves in terms of resource consumption (input), emissions to the environment (output) and waste (output).

    We continuously improve our product, process and service quality with regard to ecology.

    The district heating is produced from biogas and waste wood and is therefore CO2-neutral. Thus, 1800 tons of CO2 are saved per year. With the use of district heating, around 650,000 liters of heating oil and thus many tons of CO2 can be saved annually.

    The Swiss Holiday Park also deals with the discharge of the treated water into a receiving watercourse. This very clean water hinders the ARA in the cleaning process of the sewer water and unnecessarily dilutes the otherwise dirty wastewater. Therefore, we would like to use an internal purification process to discharge the wastewater from the pools into the municipality's meteoric water pipeline, which ends in Lake Lucerne.

    You can find an exciting video about this here.

    Our electricity is generated from 100% hydroelectric power and the corresponding hydroelectric power plants are certified for ÖkoStrom naturemadebasic. In all renovations since 2007, the existing lighting fixtures have been replaced with energy-efficient LED lighting. In many areas of the facility, motion detectors are used to massively reduce lighting times.

    It is our concern to design the entire plant close to nature. This means that only native plants and shrubs are planted and chemical pesticides are consistently avoided. Thus, the local flora and fauna is preserved and even promoted. In recent years, various natural oases have been created on the grounds of the Swiss Holiday Park, which are certified by the Foundation Nature & Economy.

    In our purchasing guidelines, we state that we use reusable and recycled goods wherever possible and give preference to product suppliers who offer reusable packaging or take back shipping containers. These guidelines are periodically discussed with our suppliers and topics such as packaging, number of deliveries, bulk purchasing, etc. are discussed. In this way, we can save gray energy and further minimize our ecological footprint.

    From our own farm

    We buy fruit, bakery nuts and eggs directly from Erlebnishof Fronalp. With the self grown fruit we produce our own products like jam, juices, syrup and fruit brandies.

    Meat & Fish

    From the farm Steinbruch from the Seetal in the canton of Lucerne we get our first-class pasture-raised beef and veal in whole.

    - King pike perch from aquaculture in Kottwil LU

    - Trout and char from Sattel from the Reichmuth family


    We obtain our apples for the Roman-Irish thermal baths as well as for the sauna area from the Sand farm in Brunnen.

    Swiss Holiday Park strives to separate all its waste and dispose of it properly. In this regard, employees are trained accordingly and disposal points are maintained in the background. Please help to dispose of recyclable waste separately.

    We maintain several waste separation points on our premises. First, our guests can dispose of waste in the public area. For vacation guests, we offer 2 professional disposal points where a wide variety of waste can be disposed of properly. Internally, we also maintain various recycling facilities, so that our employees have the opportunity to separate waste accordingly.

    We have already realized the following ecological projects:


    Filling plantSeveral bottling plants for our Fronalp spring water for guests and employees.
    Bathed waterDischarge of bathed water into receiving water instead of sewage system.
    LED illuminantsFurther conversion to LED illuminants as well as motion detectors.
    Heating controlHeating control in the hotel, so that the temperature can be regulated better.

    Further ecological projects are planned.



    In 2015, the Swiss Holiday Park received the Milestone (Switzerland's most important tourism award) for its environmental efforts in the "Environment" category.

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    Always an experience

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