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Roman-Irish thermal baths

Where you swim in wellness all around.

Discover the Roman-Irish bathing culture where two traditional European bathing cultures combine in a delightful ceremony. In the Roman style, you bathe in comfortable warm-dry air, while the Irish custom is based on a stimulating steam bath. The Roman-Irish thermal baths are the only ones in Switzerland that are supplemented with a brine bubble bath.

At lower temperatures, saunas can be taken without strain and are usually more tolerable. Please take about two - three hours for the tour. The body is purified, blood circulation is stimulated and the resistance of the organism is increased.

A soap-brush massage optimizes the effect of the circuit. Please reserve your massage appointment well in advance.

Single admissionMon-FriSat, Sun and public holiday

From 7 p.m. there is a 20% discount on all single admissions (not cumulative).
Including admission to the adventure pool and sauna area. Single admission to the Roman-Irish thermal baths is limited to 3 hours.

Admission from the age of 16

Happy Birthday:
Birthday guests receive free admission to the bathing area. (adventure pool, sauna area, Roman-Irish thermal baths). This free admission is not cumulative.

The pool complex is not barrier-free. We ask our guests who are dependent on a wheelchair to travel with an accompanying person when visiting.

Your personal subscription

Basic fitness contract (from 16 years)12 months1 month
fitnessCHF 630CHF 83

Order now

Basic pool contract12 months1 month
Adventure poolCHF 660CHF 88Order now
Sauna area incl. adventure poolCHF 810CHF 108Order now
Roman-Irish thermal baths incl. sauna area and adventure poolCHF 990CHF 132Order now
Combined subscriptions*12 months1 month
Adventure pool + fitnessCHF 990CHF 132
Superdome + FitnessCHF 890CHF 119
Sauna area incl. adventure pool + fitnessCHF 1'155CHF 154
Roman-Irish thermal baths incl. sauna area and adventure pool + fitnessCHF 1'280CHF 171

*Combined passes can be purchased online with a basic Fitness contract or on site.

The sauna area and the Roman-Irish thermal baths are closed from March 17 to 21, 2025 due to revision.

Monday to Sunday
Adventure pool
Indoor pool
Outdoor pool, slide, children's pool

09.00 - 21.30
09.00 - 20.00
Sauna area09.00 - 21.30
Roman-Irish thermal baths09.00 - 21.30

The indoor pool of the adventure pool is open for overnight guests from 7 am.