Children need exercise - preferably in the fresh air
Children who move a lot are happier and healthier. Children fundamentally like to move. They have an inner urge to actively discover the world and to move. Curious, they discover the world and instinctively move and train their bodies. Movement develops coordination skills, a sense of balance and spatial experience. The experiences children have when they move train their self-confidence. In addition, movement promotes metabolism and the strengthening of bones, as well as the development of muscles and organs. In the Swiss Holiday Park there are numerous Possibilitieswhere children can let off steam, move around or train their motor skills, whether Holidayor at a Day trip.
The fact that children should move is clear to all parents. When actively exploring the world, children push themselves to the limits. In the process, there are sometimes minor injuries. Many parents want to protect their child from falls and negative experiences, which leads to children not being able to move freely because they are overprotected by fearful parents. Parents who are afraid their child will get hurt if they move often have the opposite effect. Also, the vast increase in media consumption through gaming, TV, etc. leads to a lack of movement. Parents lull themselves into a false sense of security, assuming that this will reduce the risk of injury. But the opposite is the case. Due to a lack of movement, children lack the experience that comes with moving. They become more susceptible to injury because of motor underdevelopment. The free movement of children is extremely important, because
- it promotes the development of muscles and bones
- it promotes and strengthens the immune system
- it promotes the cardiovascular system and endurance
- it works against overweight and diet-related illnesses
- has a positive effect on the physical and mental development of the child
- it promotes self-confidence
As soon as babies can move, the joy of movement comes. With appropriate toys, such as balls, they learn to assess and anticipate movements. Watching babies and toddlers, we sometimes can't make sense of their movements. But everything has a purpose. Climbing on furniture or other objects trains spatial perception and body awareness. By swinging, spinning or bouncing, the sense of balance is strengthened. Many objects in the home or outdoors offer opportunities to train physical skills. And they stimulate the imagination.